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wave track IMU 8/16/32ch


Thanks to years of experience in transmission protocols and miniaturization, we have released in 2015 the smallest wireless IMU transmitter in the world, with several outstanding features that make it absolutely unique:

  • 5.3 grams of weight, as much as a regular A4 sheet of paper (smallest in the market).
  • 70 or 140 Hz of fused data (quaternions) with 9 Dof.
  • 140 or 280 Hz of fused data (quaternions) with 6 Dof (highest in the market).
  • 280 Hz of raw data (accelerometers, gyroscope, magnetometer), highest in the market.
  • Same sampling frequency for any number of channels involved (from 4 to 32)6 hours battery life.
  • Basic software for acquisition for research.
  • Compatible with Wave Plus receiver.
  • Memory on board for remote synchronous recording.
  • Inductive recharge (compatible with all Wave chargers).
  • Possible to have it waterproofed for underwater acquisitions.
  • Full SDK for total control of the hardware and the acquisition via USB.

The WaveTrack inertial sensor comes with a solid, professional looking plastic enclosure, with laser engraved channel numbers and axis direction for the most user friendly experience. WaveTrack is available as an accessory of Wave Plus system, as well as with its own custom receiver and charger.


  • 5.3 grams
  • Up to 280 Hz of fused data
  • 280 Hz raw data
  • 6 hours battery life
  • Memory on board for remote synchronous recording
  • Inductive recharge
  • Waterproof possibility
  • Full SDK for total control

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